What A Trip

As many of you already know, I made a major move from Alaska to South Carolina last summer on a very short timeline. It was one of the hardest decisions I've ever made, and although it seemed sudden to some people, it was something that I had contemplated for well over a year. Once I [...]

Who Are You Anyway?

It’s been awhile, friends! I have been quite busy with my new (chaotic) life - getting a new job, moving into a new place, and cultivating some new and old relationships. Things are starting to settle down a bit, so I’m back and hopefully won’t disappear from the blogosphere again anytime soon. Although I have [...]

Take Time Out of the Chaos

Time dictates most of our lives, and people say “I don’t have time” quite regularly. We all struggle with competing priorities and obligations in our chaotic lives. There are things that we must do that do keep us busy, like work, raising children, and maintaining our homes (aka never-ending chores). Let me tell you something [...]